2012 - 2013

w i t h i n   s i t e   i n   t h e   m i s t

poetry of Jan Suk set to music

                                          2011 - 2012

h e   d i e d   i n   t h e    t r e e

poetry of Břetislav Ditrych set to music

                                          2008 - 2009

t h e   m o m e n t   t h a t   h a l v e s   t h e   l a n d s c a pe

poems of Jan Skácel set to music

                                          2007 - 2010

t h e   c r a c k

musical and visual performance based on the poetry of Miloslav Topinka.
in co-operation with the artistic association SERPENS

                                         2005 - 2006

b l a t n ý      s k á c e l      l i s t o p a d

poetry of Ivan Blatný (including his poems written in English), Jan Skácel and František Listopad set to music.
The performance is accompanied by the projection of the photographs created by Jirí Ernest, a student of the Film and TV School of Prague Art Academy.

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                                          2004 - 2008

I L   D A N U B I O

an exceptional cultural travel book through the Danube lands written by the Italian contemporary writer Claudio Magris. Fourteen excerpts - short stories - were chosen from the whole book and they are read during the performance both in Italian and the languages of the Danube region (from the headwaters to the Danube delta). The spoken word is interwoven by composed and improvised music. Edita Vološčuková, the visual artist who participated in the Dream Hunters performance, created on a computer a series of images which are projected during the live performance.

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D R E A M   H U N T E R S

Musical and visual performance and installation The Dream Hunters is inspired by the novel by Serbian writer Milorad Pavić "Dictionary of the Khazars". On scarce historical information about vanished peoples of the Khazars Pavić built an incredibly rich magical fiction, unique both in its textual structure and unusual poetical images. The performance is a metaphor to a multilayered texture of the book, both from the point of view of its structure (metaphor to unveiling, finding, vanishing and changing), and from the point of view of the subject, that means mixing of cultures, languages and religions. But primarily it's an attempt to transfer that rich poetry into sounds and rhythms, colours, shapes, signs and symbols.
The musical performance with the excerpts from the book narrated and sung in different languages is accompanied by the projection of the computer animation of respective texts. At the same time the visual performance is taking place, when three artists create a sand map (resembling mandala) of the Dictionary of the Khazars, again inspired by the contents and poetic images from the book. They work with such "archaic" materials as sand, stone, wood, ceramics, ashes, water and fire. The work created is left as an installation accompanied by the videorecording of the performance. After a certain period of time, but not less than 24 hours, a second performance take place with a ritual de-installation of the sand map of the Dictionary of the Khazars. Both performances last about 90 minutes.
The performance should be situated preferably in an acoustically suitable closed object with a large free space on the floor, at least 8 x 6 m, observable from above (e.g. gallery) with the possibility to dim the light if performed in broad daylight. An open-air night performance is possible as well.

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